Underground comic book writer Harvey Pekar, portrayed by Paul Giamatti but also appearing as himself, is the subject of this inventive biopic. Much of the film focuses on the eccentric Pekar‘s day-to-day life in Cleveland, particularly his relationship with his patient wife, Joyce Brabner (played by Hope Davis and also appearing as herself). As Pekar’s musings are brought to the screen in this unique and engaging production, the movie playfully incorporates comic book-like panels.
MPAA Rating | R |
Running Time | 101 minutes |
Release Date | September 12, 2003 |
Paul Giamatti | Harvey Pekar |
Hope Davis | Joyce Brabner |
Judah Friedlander | Toby Radloff |
James Urbaniak | Robert Crumb |
Earl Billings | Mr. Boats |
James McCaffrey | Fred |
Maggie Moore | Alice Quinn |
Vivienne Benesch | Lana |
Robert Pulcini | Director/Writer/Editor |
Shari Springer Berman | Director/Writer |
Ted Hope | Producer |
Mark Suozzo | Music |
Linda Cohen | Music Supervisor |
Terry Stacey | Director of Photography |
Ann Goulder | Casting |
Thérèse DePrez | Production Designer |
Michael Wilkinson | Costume Designer |
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